Saturday, November 1, 2008

Covered in Rain

It rained tonight!!! and not like normal California, 2 or 3 drops, slight mist rain... like poured rain!!! we all ran out of the warehouse in the middle of rehearsal and and played and jumped and screamed sang in the rain! I miss the rain a lot oddly enough so it was a nice taste of Tennessee weather =) It's funny because since the weather is pretty much always the same, every time there is even a little bit of a sprinkle or even if there are just clouds, people walk outside and scream "Weather!! yesss!!" 
So a lot has been going on since I have posted.  We have been busy casting our show! It's a very different process than I've ever experienced before.  Here everyone learns the number and then we all perform it and they grab people out of groups and cast you in numbers as you're standing in front of them.  I've gotten some cool parts so far! We're not done casting yet but we should be done by tomorrow! But I will go ahead and tell you some of the parts I got chosen for! I'm in a number called Jump Jive and it's a really fun swing number, dancing of course.  I also got cast in a medley that features Dream girls and one of my friends is the soloists and I am one of the back up dancers.  The cool thing is that I got to choreograph some of our dance for Dream girls!! I'm also in Singing in the Rain, I get to sing in this number and I also has a dance solo at the beginning of it.  My favorite part so far that I got is we have a Beatles medley that we do where there are 6 solos and then a choral version of Let it Be and I get to sing the "If I Fell" solo by the Beatles! I am so excited about it!!! I'm in the choir in a couple of songs....  Today I got cast in 42nd Street which is a tap number!? Thankfully I'm in the 3rd row! But I try my best! I am also a dancer in Joy to the World,  it's a cool version of Joy to the World and we have these really cool white dresses! We have not cast the rest yet but like I said it will all be cast tomorrow! I'm so exciting and as I'm sitting here typing this I'm realizing how much I'm doing! and I am so excited! I wish you ALL could come see it! My roommates and friends have some really cool parts too! Like Shiori got to choreograph a whole hip hop number with this other guy named Gary and it is so cool! and it's all their choreography!!! we're so busy right now I feel like I can't even take a minute to breathe, but it's so much fun and I can't wait till show! LOVE YOU ALL!

1 comment:

Mommy said...

Wow! Does everybody get that many part? Sounds like the LIndsay show!! Also sounds fun! I can't wait!