Sunday, September 28, 2008

Circle of Life

OK! don't kill me! I wrote this amazing..  I mean AMAZING blog entry where I had pictures and introduced you to my roommates and other friends here... and for some reason it didn't post and is floating around somewhere in cyber space.  So I'll save that for another day when I'm not dead tired and ready to go to bed.  Nothing too exciting is going on right now... I'm finally into the swing of classes I think, we already had a paper to write!! Other than spending a beautiful day at the beach nothing really exciting has gone on.  That is unless you count the toilet overflowing.  YUCK and not only did we use every towel in the house... but then our washing machine broke.  OH yeah... we had like 2 clean towels in the house. But both are fixed now thankfully! rehearsals are getting INTENSE! They want to teach us every dance in the Young American repertoire before they decide what numbers they want to put in our show! So far we have learned 
Sing, Sing, Sing
Jump Jive
Beach Medley
Hair Spray : 4 dances in Hair Spray
Decades: 10 short dances in Decades
LION KING!!: 3 dances

Choral Music (etc.):
Morning Has Broken
Take My Hand
Most Unusual Day
Bunch of Christmas stuff..
LION KING!!!: 3 songs ( all in crazy language ie: eeh bah bay nee jo lee bah kintz ze ning din waaaah) (looove it )

Notice the Lion King in all caps =) we learned Lion King today and it is the most intense dance and music ever in the history of Young Americans.  I think I broke my neck and back doing all the african jumps and turns and stuff like that and then when you get to the music... wooh! I don't even know what I'm saying =) An Alumni named Adrian came in and taught us the music and she is incredible! We keep meeting these crazy amazing people, not to mention our new kid directors are AMAZING... did I mention that all four of them are the most beautiful people I have ever seen ( oh and today I got to do the partner dance for the Swing number with Nick Titus (one of our NK directors) everyone was HATIN! haha don't tell anyone I said that) ANYWAY I'm sorry I have been slacking in the whole updating everyone thing... I'll work on it, maybe I can write more during my Psych class.... just kidding! ( but really =P) 
LOVE YOU ALL I'll post gain soon!!

1 comment:

Mommy said...

Bummer!! You didn't tell me about the potty!! Thanks for the update! Praying for you every day